k*r*lm*y* ç*k m*s**tt*k
* *kş*m. n*t*k*m k*r*ld*k. *y* k* s*vr*s*n*k
v*rd*. t*ş*kk*r m*h*y*t*nd*
*nc* s*vr*s*n*ğ* *ld*rd*k, s*nr*
*r*m*z* d*z*ltt*k.
- real love - studebaker john
- wake up! - bibio
- somewhere in the night - stereo
- dark star - poliça
- mirroir mirroir - desire
- oblivion - grimes
- cold win - ghostpoet
- kaputt - destroyer
- dreams - fleetwood mac
- darling divine - wild child
- the currach - british sea power